
Weekend wrap up : Picture perfect.

Happy Monday lovies.

How was your weekend? Stone and I are on a bit of a high after this weekend because we had what we think is one of the best photo shoots thus far. The location was epic, and there is no other word I can use to describe it. Huge red rock cliffs, the ocean, marshy tide pools and rolling green hills. Crazy, right? Sometimes I have to pinch myself to remember I live here, but then I pull into the gas station to fill up and am quickly reminded that you have to pay a bit extra for this beauty (supposedly gas prices are higher in San Diego right now than anywhere else in the country). We also had pretty incredible subjects on this shoot too! They live apart from each other so this was the first time they had been together in a while, which made the photos all the more sweet. I just cannot wait to show them to you!

By the way, I have been trying out the hair styles that I post on my blog here and there (have yet to do the bun atop my head though... a little nervous for that one) and tried this one on Saturday and I just love it! It is so easy and stays put all day, which is nice. Also, at the end of the day when I took it down I had really pretty messy curls! Win, win. You should try it out and let me know how it goes :)

Well here we are at the beginning of another week... go get em! xo.

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