
On HER bedside table.

Stone and I are both creating quite the stack of books on each of our bedside tables, last night I decided to go through everything we were in the "process" of reading and this is what was on my bedside table.

Listography for starters was a really fun book that we took on our honeymoon, it is just random lists and most of the questions were things Stone and I did not know about each other yet like 'List your favorite grade school teachers and why'.

Then I also have a couple vintage cover (from Anthropologie) Jane Austen books as well, that Stone got me for Valentine's day. And well, with any Jane Austen book it is going to take me a while to get through those.

Embarrassing to admit, but I really, really like the Shopaholic book series. I have only read two and am just starting this one, so I am hoping it is still just as good!

Truthfully, The Secret Life of Bees has been sitting by my bed for a good while now. I only have a couple chapters to finish I just have not yet. Maybe it is because I saw the movie and so I already know what happens and part of it is sad?

Lastly, The Sartorialist (Thanks KATY!) book is always a good one to flip through. I never get tired of looking at the fun and beautiful outfits.

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