
Have a fun weekend!

Stone and I went on a date tonight (dinner & a movie... very creative of us!) and we saw the movie The Switch, which is a really great romantic comedy... just what we were in the mood for! After the movie we went over to Whole Foods for sushi, unfortunately it was not very tasty. That is one of my biggest pet peeves... Stone and I do not like to spend money eating out very often, so when we do (even if it is at Whole Foods) I want it to be delicious because it is a treat for us to go. Oh well, I got a cookie afterward that made up for it :)

This weekend we will be packing up and heading out to San Diego for a scouting trip! We are so excited to finally be able to answer the question "Where exactly will you be living?". We have already set up a couple of appointments to see some places and I just can't wait! Plus, we will be visiting with friends, which is always the best.

But, before that, Stone and I are shooting an engagement session tomorrow evening and while we are on the subject we apologize that the photo site has not been updated lately, we are super busy with weddings and shoots (which is a great thing) and we will hopefully have some new things up soon!

Enjoy some found things from the worldwide web. xo.

I think that these fashion celebrity teabags (pictured above) are pretty hysterical!

Here is the trailer to 'The Switch'... if you have no plans this weekend, you should go, I totally recommend it.

10 Fall trends from New York Fashion Week.

The most perfect French Farmhouse... hmmm begin daydreaming now!

Burberry adds some spice to their trench... for an easy $2800 that is.

I just cannot wait to start wearing tights again :)

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