
Travel: Pantone Hotel in Brussels

How cool is this hotel?

It is the Pantone hotel in Brussels. Don't know what Pantone is? I just do because my parents (and husband) are both graphic designers so I grew up with Pantone color wheels laying around the house. Basically all you need to know it that they are the end all, be all of color. They have revolutionized the graphic design and print industry through their color matching system. And every year they pick the color of the year, which is then seen everywhere, fashion included.

Well, they have a super modern hotel in quaint Brussels where most of the buildings look to be historic and of another era, this hotel is completely opposite. It has super clean lines, bright colors and AMAZING views. They also give you a Pantone colored cruiser bike to ride around town with! I would love to have a visit one day!

By the way, below is how you pick your room... by color! So cool.


Stone Crandall Photography said...

That is so cool. I would pick "353C - Fresh, Eager" or "298C - Tranquil, Aquatic, Exhilarating"

fut coins said...

everything you do is just so mystical and beautiful. loved this.

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