
Inspiration board : 50 states.

I was starting to notice a running theme in images that I was dropping into my 'Inspiration' folder... states! I have now lived in 3 states and feel like each of them is a part of who I am today. Texas, of course, had a hand in my southern hospitality, love for all things country, and my country twang (comes out every now and then, but I always say 'yall' and that will never change!). Living in Colorado I developed am appreciation for being outdoors, whether skiing, biking, or hiking there was always something to do there. And now, living in California, I feel like my love of the beach has quadrupled in size! Also, I think I have enjoyed cooking most here in California, maybe it is the abundance of fresh ingredients and the fact that there is a farmer's market at every corner. Either way, since living here I have enjoyed cooking more than ever before.

Hope you are feeling the inspiration :)

1 : I first saw this print on a poster and loved it, now it is wearable! Perfect.

2 : Scratch off map?! Such a genius idea. It is a map of the entire world and you can scratch off as you travel :) So far, I would not have too much scratching to do, but I am hoping in my life to be able to do a lot more!

3 : A colorful US postcard. I am always looking for fun postcards to send to friends, mostly because they are cheap and also because who does not like getting a little letter in the mail?

4 : Okay, only a few state forms actually look good as a pillow. I thought Wisconsin was one of them... Texas is pretty great too!

5 : State bird poster. Do you know your state bird? Texas is the Mockingbird, I only know that because useless facts like that were permanently ingrained in my brain during grade school.

6 : This has been on my 'wishlist' for quite some time now. I just love it.

7 : So you can by this chalkboard here at Etsy... or just make one your own!

8 : State food prints. Very creative. Very cool.



Brady said...

Colorado looks great as a pillow.

Shel + Stone said...

Ha, yes.. very rectangular :)

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