Yesterday was the first official day of Summer. I thought maybe to kick things off I would make a list of some of my favorite things to do in the summer... hope you enjoy!
1. Concerts outside. Whether it is listening to a local band at the arboretum in Dallas while enjoying a picnic, or heading to Red Rocks amphitheater and getting to go to one of the best concerts of your lifetime (aka Vampire Weekend in September :) ).
2. Swimming of course. I am still working on not having to hold my nose under water... I will get there one day, I just know it!
3. Farmers market. We have the best farmers market here. Stone and I like to get potstickers and fresh lemonade when we go and then buy some flowers for our home!
4. BBQs with friends. Last summer we spent every Thursday in my soon to be brother-in-laws backyard playing bocce ball and eating burgers. It is just the best!
5. Bike rides. Stone and I both have cruiser bikes and we try and ride them as much as we can in the summertime. It is the best because the sun does not even go down until about 9 so we have forever to be outside!
6. Outdoor movies. Check the city you live in, but there are about four different places near us that play movies outside once a week. A couple of them are on the sides of buildings, one is an actual drive in, and then there is 'Film on the Rocks', which is out at Red Rocks.
7. Kite flying. Yup, we love it.
8. Fruit! I could eat only fruit all summer, it is in season and delicious! Especially watermelon, which is not even really available year round. One summer in college my friends and I took a semester of summer school and stayed down in College Station. I remember it was basically two months of watching Lost and eating watermelon... one of my favorite memories from college!
9. Tank tops. My husband has made a pledge to wear a tank top every day of the summer, and so far he is going strong, but summer just officially started yesterday... so we will see :)
10. Vacations, of course! We get to go to Crested Butte twice this summer and I just cannot even wait. My family has gone to Crested Butte every summer since I was about 2 years old and I have loved it ever since. Alsp, my sister-in-law is getting married there in just about a month! Woohoo.
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