Last weekend we roasted marshmallows in our friend Skyler's outdoor fireplace. This is one of my favorite things about summer. Being outside, with friends and enjoying the gorgeous weather (and maybe a few treats here and there!). Anyway, Skyler has many different methods by now for making the perfect s'more and we tried out a new recipe this past weekend.
First, roast the mallow (and when I saw roast, that means you spend a good 15 minutes in the warmth of that fire getting it nice and golden!).
Then take the cinnamon covered graham and you melt the reece's peanut butter cup on the graham.
Next you smush.
Lastly, you indulge.

Oh, I almost forgot... These were key in making the smores.
1 comment:
"you're killin me smalls" ... ha. I love the sandlot.
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