
I so want to sew.

On my list of things I want to learn how to do (among... playing piano, swimming w/o plugging my nose and printmaking) is sewing. I feel like this is something in our parent's generation and especially our grandparent's generation was common knowledge. Everyone knew how to sew to some extent. And while I did take a sewing class in girl scouts in about 6th grade, it did not stick (wonder why...).

I love playing around online looking on blogs and etsy shops because I am always fascinated by the talent of people. Before we had this amazing capability to build and create a shop online for other people to view I feel like most of this creativity was going to waste. Now a hobby can be a career, how cool is that?

Anyway, I have gone off on a tangent. But, this is one of my favorite creative blogs. Katie, the mom, has some serious sewing skills and she makes the most darling things for her little girls.

Totally inspiring.

Photos from Katie Did blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These pics are really amazing dude. Really appreciated in presenting them awesome.I suggest you to Create an Online Shop for all ur fantastic boutique !!

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